I don't normally watch "So You Think You Can Dance" because I'm not really that big a fan of modern dance. It's just not my thing. However, I have been a big fan of photos that came out of one contestant this year - "Jonathan Platero." He's a gymnast turned dancer and is just gorgeous. So I was a bit disappointed when I turned to early night-time news on Fox last night and caught the very end of that show thus witnessing Jonathan being eliminated from the competition. It is just wrong for a guy that hot to be eliminated. They should have kept him around at least long enough to show off his perfect body some more. So here is my salute to Jonathan Platero.


PS: Yes, I do know that Michael Jackson died yesterday, but unlike countless Gay Bloggers, I'm not turning today's post into a paen to him. This blog is about hot guys, and even though Jackson was a great dancer and one hell of an entertainer he just wasn't attractive. So I will not now, nor will I ever, be posting an entry devoted to him. May he rest in peace, but just not as a photo spread in this blog.