Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cutest Guy Ever

Okay, it's only one picture, but this guy is so incredibly adorable I had to post him.

Drew Van Acker brought me Back!

First off, I'm so sorry that it has taken this long for me to write another blog entry.  I have been exceptionally busy in my work life and personal life.  But recently I was on a lunch break and I decided to be a bad boy and go to Wendy's for a burger instead of sticking to my diet.  On the TV they showed a preview for a new show called Tower Prep featuring an incredibly handsome actor.  Well, I had to do some research on it.  Turns out the actor is named Drew Van Acker and he's even better looking than the preview made him out to be!  So here are 25 amazing pictures of this super stud - who was even once an Abercrombie & Fitch and also a Hollister model.  I doubt if I'll watch the show, but I'm certain to keep looking for amazing photos of this this amazing hunk.


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