Yet, at the same time, the sight of a barefoot man is something that arouses me, especially a man that is barefoot and barechested. I think it has to do with how I grew up. My family, like many in the United States, was very religious. We went to our Southern Baptist church every Sunday for much of the day. First there was Sunday School, followed by worship services and an interminable sermon that could last for hours. And we might be back at the church several more times that week. Somehow that religiousity translated into an family rule that one never was to be seen by anyone else even the slightest bit undressed. As a child I was never allowed to run around outside in barefeet. Even on the beach I was wearing sandles. In the house, I had to either wear my clothes into the bathroom and carry in my change of clothes as well so that it was impossible for someone to see me undressed, or I had to wear a bathrobe to and from the shower. Even inside the house, we always wore our shoes.
I remember well, watching out my bedroom window at the neighbor's son while he mowed the lawn wearing only a pair of shorts - no shoes or shirt in sight. He was muscular and sweaty - the perfect image of male sexiness. While I was being told to be ashamed of my body, he was flaunting it in all its glory.
I remember once while playing basketball outside with friends, I took off my shirt because it was hot. I was in Jr. High at the time. When my grandmother saw me like that she scolded me. She claimed that if a sinner saw me like that it would inspire him or her to kidnap me and rape me because exposed flesh inspired violence and sex. Oh, the fantasies I had later that day as I showered alone in a locked bathroom - sinning by masturbation to mental images of being taken by an older man and made his sex slave.
That upbringing may help explain my preference for images of partially clad men. I still don't view a fully naked man as a think of beauty. Plus, I enjoy the excitement of having to imagine the full view. It also means, that the sight of a guy barefoot and barechested is extremely arousing for me. Barefoot & barechested in jeans and I'm in heaven.
So here goes!
Hey there! Great work for a "non-foot fetishist!" ;-)